I’m Not Sure What I Just Witnessed

“I’ve got a great idea,” you think. “Let’s mix MMA, NFL, Rugby, Soccer, and generally lawlessness!”

In Florence once per year, you could watch it! During our antipasti this evening, we watched the Calcio Storico match. It happens in June every year. Basically, a lot of really ripped dudes fight on a dirt field, trying to put a basketball through a horizontal gap in a wall on far end of the field. Fighting like this:

Trying to score like this:

I didn’t have the benefit of knowing the rules when we watched it. It might be the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen. The game is a four team tournament between the historic districts of Florence, and you can tell from the fans that there is a ton of neighborhood pride on the line. Here’s another sweet highlight. Note the flying two footed kick attempted at 44:24.

Green wins:


Author: Matt

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